diamonds: writing between myself and someone else
four: self-discovery, confessions
4 on the die: this is somewhat safe (speaking in coded phrases, touching lightly).
[left at the temple of sama, with their followers who have chosen vows of silence.]
I don’t believe it’s likely you’ll ever see this, but I thought it worth a try anyway. I know you escaped the city siege, as I know that your eyes used to stray towards Sama’s Lights, in their white cloaks coated in dust from the city’s streets. Hence my leaving this note with them, in this city, on the way to the sea.
I have heard rumors of a settlement on the dark sands where [indecipherable] used to rest. Out by the sea, at the edge of the world. I had a friend who came from that direction. I haven’t seen her since she fled to the end of the world, but I’m hoping I’ll find her there. I wonder if you might meet me there. They say the gulls there are as large as the true forms of our gods. Larger even than the statue of Teacher Prudence which stood at the edge of our home, where we used to leave our mitzvahs and confessions.
I have a confession now to make to you, Aine. I don’t imagine it’ll come to any surprise, in actuality; you were always more observant than any of us ever gave you credit for. I remember the knowing look in your eyes as you discussed possibility with your friends, while the Torchbearer laughed and some of the rest of us blushed.
I could go into details, telling you what was true and what wasn’t, but perhaps it’s best saved for another time. The long and short of it is that you were right, about quite a lot of it, actually. I blush now thinking about exactly how much you had correct. I don’t want to say much more than that. As I said, you were always the most observant of us all. I am certain you can put together the rest of it.
If this city of gulls exists, if it is the haven I have been promised it is, perhaps if you ever get your hands on this letter you can follow me there. I would like to see you again, if you’re still alive.
I don’t think you are. I think I’m the only one who’s cursed to never die. My punishment for who I loved, I suppose.
But if you are. Come find me. I will see you at the sea.